Complex Care Support

Our Service Standards

Prometheus Complex Care is committed to upholding a holistic, patient-centred care approach, ensuring empathy and dignity are maintained throughout the observational booking process. We adhere to the PEER structure, prioritising the patient’s well-being and individual needs at every step of their care journey. 

Secure patient transfer team


Decisions regarding care and treatment must align with the mental health patient’s needs and conform to current national guidelines and/or the latest evidence-based practices available. 

This approach ensures that patients receive tailored care aligned with national guidelines and evidence-based practices, optimising the effectiveness of our complex care services. 


Patients, their families and carers should be fully involved in decisions about care, support and treatment. This involvement ensures that decisions are informed by the patient’s preferences and individual circumstances, leading to more personalised and effective care outcomes. 


Providers, commissioners and other relevant organisations should work together to ensure that the quality of commissioning and provision of mental health care services meets the high standards of physical health and social care services. 


Parents, carers, family and complex care staff will maintain open communication to collaboratively develop a comprehensive care plan, incorporating the unique needs and preferences of the patient.  

When choosing the appropriate complex care staff for enhanced observation, we consider the presentation of the staff members and unique qualities like ethnicity, sexual identity, age, and gender.  

During Prometheus Complex Care observations, we make sure to respect the patient’s privacy as much as possible and minimise distress.